And The Winner Is

And The Winner Is

I am pleased to announce the winner of my recent poetry competition. Well done Naomi, your poem was the scariest. It gives a murky glimpse into London’s horrible past and maybe an insight into our modern-day lives.

She has kindly given me permission to publish her poem on my blog. I hope you enjoy it and do check out her site to read her other work.

Victoria’s London

Take me back to when top hats were like business suits

When the white moths had become black with filth 

When the Thames was brown like the rotted teeth of beggars

And not just because of the mud

When the Irish and the Slavic were exotic

When London was Birmingham

When Birmingham was Liverpool

When Liverpool was a country village

When there were millions

And yet they were still so innocently oblivious

Take me to the city clothed in black

For there was always a funeral somewhere


The noisy factories

And crowded slums

The fear that the cold brings

The pain that disease brings

The real London

The honest London

The dark, deadly London of my nightmares

Every narrow, dimly-lit alleyway dripping with piss and blood

Full of criminals and drunks

Ominous dark brown bricks

The suffocating stink that follows you wherever you go

Cursing, begging

Lifting, cuffing, gaffing, looting, nicking, pinching, swiping, thieving, pilfering, pillaging

Hundreds of words for stealing

Where the poor are painfully poor

Where every woman that smiles at you is a prostitute 

Corpses lying in the streets 

Next to gas lamps

The only beacons of light

People packed into bedrooms like chickens

Sleeping on the string


Highly disturbing

But it’s best not to interfere

For someone else will deal with it

Industry and decency will save us all


There is no trace of that now

Except the noble stone buildings 

Commissioned by the corrupt


This is my fear and obsession


Take me back there

Not to stay

Not to smell

Just to look

Because curiosity killed the cat

© 2013 Naomi Bloom


Check out Naomi’s other writing right here – Naomi Bloom

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